Live Streaming System Design

aditya goel
6 min readJan 26, 2023


Question :- Why Live Streaming of Video Content is challenging ?

Answer → It’s challenging because of following reasons :-

  • Because video content is sent over the Internet in the near real time.
  • The entire process of Video Processing is compute Intensive. Sending a large volume of video over the Internet takes time.

Question :- How does any Video goes from Streamer‘s end ?

Answer → Here is the process involved in uploading the video :-

Step #1.) The streamer starts the video-stream. The source could be any video and audio wired upto an encoder, something like the popular open-source OBS Software.

Note: Some platforms like Youtube provide easy to use software to stream from a browser with a webcam OR directly from a mobile phone camera.

Question:- What’s the purpose of Encoders ?

Answer → The job of the Encoder is to package the video-stream and send it in a Transport-Protocol, that the live streaming platform can receive for further processing. The most popular protocol is called RTMP (i.e. Real Time Messaging Protocol).

Question:- Explain something about the RTMP ?

  • RTMP is a TCP based protocol. It started long time ago as the video-streaming protocol for Adobe Flash.
  • The Encoders can easily speak RTMP OR it’s secure variant RTMPS.

Question:- Explain something about the SRT ?

  • There is another popular option called as SRT i.e. Secure Reliable Transport Protocol.
  • SRT is UDP based protocol. It promises lower latency and better resilience to poor network conditions.
  • Most of the streaming platforms, might not support the SRT yet.

Question:- Showcase a comparative analysis of various protocols, in order to perform the Video Broadcating from the Client’s end ?

Question:- How to provide the best upload condition for the Streamer ?

Answer → In order to provide the best upload conditions for the Streamer :-

  • Most Live-Streaming platforms provide the point of presence servers worldwide.
  • The Streamer connects to the closest Point of Presence Server.

Question:- How does Streamer connects to the closest POP Server ?

Answer → This happens automatically with either :-

  • DNS Latency based routing.
  • Any-cast Network.

Question:- What happens after the video reaches to the closest POP Server ?

Answer → Once the stream reaches to the closest POP Server, it is transmitted over a fast and reliable backbone network, for further processing to the Platform/Data-Centre.

Question:- What’s the main goal of transmitting the video to the Platform ?

Answer → The main goal of transmitting the video to the platform is to offer the video-stream in different qualities and bit-rates.

Note: The exact processing steps may vary from platform to platform and output streaming formats.

Question:- What’s the Adaptive BitRate Streaming ?

Answer → Modern Video Players automatically choose the best video resolution and bit-rate, based on quality of viewer’s internet connection and can adjust on the fly, by requesting different bit-rates as the network condition changes.

Question:- Explain in detail the general steps performed by the Platform ?

Answer → Following are the general steps, followed by the Platform :-

Step #1.) The incoming video-stream is transcoded to different resolutions and bit-rates. Basically, these are different quality levels for the video as shown below :-

Step #2.) The transcoded stream is divided into smaller video-segments, which are of few-seconds in length.

Question:- How does the process of transcoding looks like from CPU prospective ?

Answer → This step of Transcoding/Segmentation is highly compute intensive and therefore the Input stream is usually transcoded to different formats in parallel.

Question:- What happens after the Transcoding process ?

Answer is Packaging → The collection of video-segments from the Transcoding process are packaged into different live streaming formats, that video-players can understand.

Question:- What’s the most popular format for the Live-Streaming ?

Answer → The most common format for doing the Live-streaming is : “HTTP LiveStreaming (i.e. HLS)”. HLS was invented by Apple in 2009. It’s the most popular streaming format, even till date.

Question:- Explain something about the HLS-Stream ?

Answer → An HLS-Stream consists of a manifest file and a series of video-chunks :-

  • Each chunk contains a video-segment as short as few seconds.
  • The Manifest File is a directory to tell the video-player, what all output formats are and where to load the video-chunks over the HTTP.

Question:- Explain something about DASH ?

Answer → DASH stands for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP and it’s yet another popular streaming format. Apple devices doesn’t natively supports DASH.

Question:- How do we reduce the Last-Mile-Latency ?

Answer → The resulting HLS file and video-chunks are also cached by the CDN layer. This reduces the Last-Mile-Latency to the Viewers.

Question:- What happens next in the process of Video-Delivery ?

Answer → Now, the video starts to arrive at the Viewer’s video-player. Here is the end to end process of Live Streaming :-

Question:- What’s the overall Latency in end to end video-delivery process and how can we optimise the same ?

Answer → The “Glass To Glass Latency” of around 20 seconds is normal.

  • There are several factors that a Streamer OR Live-Streaming-Platform could tune, in order to improve the latency, by sacrificing the various aspects of the overall video quality.
  • The best thing that a Streamer can do to improve Latency is by optimising their local setup for the lowest latency from camera to streaming platform.

Question:- What are the different challenges for the Live Streaming Platform ?

That’s all in this blog. If you liked reading this, please do clap on this page. We shall see you in the next document.. Thanks and take care till then.



aditya goel
aditya goel

Written by aditya goel

Software Engineer for Big Data distributed systems

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