How does TLSV1.2 works

aditya goel
4 min readJan 21, 2023


Question:- Explain what is HTTPS and why do we need it ?

Answer → This is required, in order to make sure that, data in transit can be made secure.

Question:- In case of https, what would happen, if someone tries to read the information ?

Answer → The hacker would only be able to see the encrypted information.

Question:- Explain the process of SSL-TLS-Handshake ?

Answer → First & foremost, Browser establishes the TCP Connection with the Server.

Now, the TLS-Handshake begins :-

Step 1.) Browser sends the Client-Hello to the Server. Through this message, browser tells to the Server following things :-

  • The TLS-version it can support. For example, it can be either TLS-1.2 OR TLS-1.3 etc.
  • The Cipher-Suite it supports. Cipher-Suite is a collection of algorithms, used to encrypt the data.

Step 2.) Now, after Server receives the ClientHello message, it now chooses the TLS-version and Cipher-Suite, from the options that Browser sent to the Server. Server confirms back this information in Server-Hello message.

Step 3.) Server now sends a Certificate to the Client. This Certificate includes a lot of different things. One of the crucial part of this message is : Public-Key for the client.

  • This Public-Key is part of the Asymmetric Encryption Approach, where public-key is being used by the Client to encrypt the data.
  • This data can only be decrypted by the Private-Key only.

Step 4.) At this step, Symmetric-Encryption comes into the picture. Now, Client (Browser) & Server comes up with a shared-encryption-key, in order to encrypt the data. This shared-encryption-key is itself encrypted with the public-key that browser received in aforementioned steps. This is how, the Browser safely sends the shared-encryption-key to the Server via the open-internet on the wire. This shared-encryption-key is also known as encrypted-session-key.

Note the following aspects :-

  • The Blue-colored key (as shown in the left part) is Public-Key, through the help of which Client first encrypts the session-key.
  • The Red-colored key (as shown in the right part) is Private-Key, through the help of which Server decrypts the session-key.
  • This step is usually achieved via the RSA-Algorithm.

Step 5.) At this step, Client (Browser) & Server communicates happily using this encrypted-session-key.

Question:- Why not to use the ASymmetric-Encryption throughout ?

Answer → Because the Asymmetric-Encryption is quite computationally expensive. Therefore, we have to look for an alternative solution somehow. Overall TLS-handshake process now looks something like this :-

Question:- What are the disadvantages of TLS V1.2 Handshake process, as shown above ?

Answer → This includes the TWO mandatory Network Round Trips. Therefore, a more optimised version also exists i.e. TLS V1.3.

Question:- Why we choose the RSA-Algo in order to safely exchange the Symmetric-Encryption-Key (aka Session-Key) ?

Answer → Because, RSA is easy to understand.

Question:- Whether TLS V1.3 is being supported by all major browsers

Answer → Yes, TLS V1.3 is being supported by most of the modern browsers.

Question:- What are optimisations done into TLS V1.3 ?

Answer → Following are the optimisations done with TLS V1.3 :-

  • It optimises the TLS-handshake process and completes the same with only ONE Network Round Trip.
  • In order to safely exchange the Session-key (aka Symmetric-Encryption-Key), the RSA algorithm is no-longer supported at all, rather we now use Diffie-Helman algorithm. This Algo involves complex maths and makes use of large prime numbers, to derive a session-key, without ever exchanging the public-key over the Internet.

That’s all in this blog. If you liked reading it, do clap on it. We shall see you in next document..

